
    Hi !


    Welcome on my personal blog about literature ! I will be talking about books, movies and a lot of others things.


    But before starting anything, let me first introduce myself !


    My name is Gwénaëlle and I’m 17. I used to read a lot but now , with high school I spent my time either on my phone or studying.


    If I had to talk about who are my favorites characters , I would say that I both love Severus Snape and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potters books : Severus Snape because I found him very interesting as he is very mysterious and he also show that people are not only « black or white », he is a vilain and a hero at the same time. His complex mind is really interesting to try to understand. Then, Hermione Granger is a character that I can compare myself with very easily and that I grew up with as a kind of model . Her love for books and her friends was something very inspiring for me.


    Now as you might have guess , I am a Harry Potter fan ! It would actually be a dream to be able to live in Hogwards ! Or maybe in the world of Narnia… I don’t actually know, there are quite a lot of fantasy world ! But on a serious note, my dream would be to live in England, Ireland, Australia or Korea , I love learning about new culture and travelling !


    There are two books that really marked me : first , it is Harry Potter. This are books I grew up with, that made me think, that made me dream more and more . Sometimes , when I am a little nostalgic, I take one of those books and read some parts, and it feels as if I entered once again for the first time the Harry Potter universe .


    Then, the second book that really marked me is Tobie Lolness by Timothée de Fombelle. It is a complex book who tells the story of people who mesure less than 1 mm and who are living in a tree as a community. It offer a totaly different view on the world and the structure of the book is amazing : you only know why the character was chase by the ‘police’ at the end. So yes , in my point of view, it is really a good book !


    So as you can see, my favorite subject in literature is the fantastic one !


    If I had to work in the literary branch, I would like to be either a bookseller or an editor. Being in place full of book would be amazing !


    I guess I will stop here , that’s already a lot of things ! Hopefully you will continue to read my blog !


    Thank you ,


    See you soon !


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